Integrated Territorial and Urban Conservation
Restoration of Architectonic and Industrial Heritage
Arte Tumular do Romantismo em Portugal
Programa de Pós-Doutoramento em História da Arte de José Francisco Ferreira Queiroz iniciado em Agosto de 2008, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/37202/2007) e desenvolvido no CEPESE (Universidade do Porto), A partir de Julho de 2009, o programa passou a ser desenvolvido como doutorado contratado, na mesma unidade de investigação, tendo sofrido várias alterações face ao que é apresentado em seguida, e que corresponde ao programa aprovado. See also the english version bellow
OBJECTIVOS Através de um trabalho de campo com abrangência efectivamente nacional, partir-se-á do inventário e da recolha documental para a elaboração de sínteses sobre diversas vertentes da Arte Tumular do Romantismo em Portugal: história, urbanismo, paisagismo, arquitectura, escultura, artes industriais, artistas, famílias, iconografia e iconologia. Acompanhando algumas das mais recentes linhas de investigação histórica ao nível internacional, abordar-se-ão os mais antigos cemitérios portugueses não só como um fim, mas também como um meio: um fim, pelo elevado valor patrimonial de muitos dos seus edifícios, túmulos e artefactos (em termos artísticos, simbólicos ou históricos); um meio, pelo facto de constituírem fontes históricas privilegiadas para o conhecimento da sociedade do Romantismo. Os resultados da pesquisa traduzir-se-ão em diversas publicações, algumas das quais com elevada relevância, mesmo ao nível internacional. Conhecer melhor a sociedade do Romantismo em Portugal, através da compreensão das suas manifestações artísticas de celebração da morte, é o objectivo geral do programa de investigação, que inclui ainda outros objectivos mais concretos: 1. Capitalizar a pesquisa já levada a cabo, não só aprofundando algumas das vertentes mais relevantes para o avanço do conhecimento científico no país, mas também desenvolvendo outras abordagens ainda por explorar devidamente, dado que o tema em causa é vasto e complexo; 2. Ultrapassar em definitivo o carácter local e regional da pesquisa que tem sido empreendida nos últimos anos sobre a Arte Tumular do Romantismo em Portugal, conferindo-lhe uma abrangência efectivamente nacional com enquadramento internacional, daí resultando importantes consequências: elevado nível de conhecimento científico que pode ser atingido; possibilidade de elaboração de sínteses; visibilidade internacional dos resultados da investigação; 3. Publicar obras científicas de referência com marcado carácter de síntese dentro de algumas vertentes da História da Arte Tumular do Romantismo em Portugal, obras essas só possíveis na sequência da concretização dos objectivos referidos no ponto anterior; 4. Com base em toda a investigação desenvolvida, estabelecer critérios para a classificação patrimonial de túmulos e/ou de cemitérios históricos ao nível nacional, regional e concelhio, assim como estratégias de salvaguarda adaptadas ao contexto sociocultural português; 5. A partir do trabalho de campo, das publicações supramencionadas e de toda a pesquisa já carreada anteriormente, constituir uma base de dados sobre os cemitérios oitocentistas portugueses, no que diz respeito à sua história, ao seu valor patrimonial, aos seus mais interessantes túmulos, respectivas famílias e artistas/artífices executantes. 6. Através desta incontornável base da dados, elaborar ulteriormente outras sínteses e, assim, generalizar o recurso aos cemitérios como fontes privilegiadas para o conhecimento da História do século XIX em Portugal.
PROGRAMA O programa de trabalhos terá duas grandes vertentes:
1. Trabalho de campo Será feito um levantamento fotográfico e epigráfico naqueles cemitérios portugueses com maior interesse e ainda não estudados. Este trabalho centrar-se-á nos monumentos sepulcrais que sejam do século XIX ou que, sendo já do início do século XX, ainda se integrem em estéticas românticas epigonais. Sempre que o interesse do cemitério o justifique, será empreendida pesquisa documental em arquivos municipais ou distritais, em busca de elementos históricos sobre o seu estabelecimento e sobre riscadores e/ou encomendadores de determinados túmulos. Esta pesquisa poderá ser também bibliográfica, caso exista bibliografia relevante. No final do período de Pós-Doutoramento praticamente todos os cemitérios relevantes localizados no continente português terão sido objecto de levantamento, assim como os principais cemitérios dos Açores e da Madeira.
2. Elaboração de sínteses para publicação / divulgação de resultados No conjunto dos dois triénios do Pós-doutoramento, serão elaborados quatro livros, dois artigos para revistas científicas e duas comunicações a publicar em actas. A escolha dos temas dos livros foi feita de acordo com o critério do equilíbrio entre sínteses de carácter nacional (também com interesse para um público internacional) e análises/sínteses de carácter mais monográfico:
1. Um dicionário de iconografia e de iconologia tumular romântica, ilustrado com alguns dos exemplos mais interessantes inventariados em todo o país. O objectivo desta publicação é o de que qualquer pessoa possa compreender o significado dos símbolos existentes em monumentos oitocentistas dos cemitérios portugueses, o que hoje não sucede, uma vez que o fenómeno do cemitério romântico em Portugal integra associações de símbolos muito próprias, algumas das quais claramente regionais. Na pouca bibliografia que existe sobre cemitérios em Portugal são sistemáticos os erros sempre que se tentam abordagens à simbologia existente. Assim, este dicionário terá duas partes. A primeira será uma contextualização. Partindo da persistência da simbologia barroca, passar-se-á ao período neoclássico e depois ao Romantismo, terminando na Arte Nova. A segunda parte será um repertório crítico e explicativo, por categorias: flores; animais; figuras alegóricas; símbolos profissionais; heráldica; simbologia da antiguidade clássica; simbologia maçónica; associações entre símbolos; simbologia utilizada de forma incoerente; casos excepcionais; etc.
2. Um livro sobre a história da oficina Amatucci (1803-1884), abarcando as três gerações de escultores ornatistas, com base no riquíssimo espólio inédito existente em colecção particular e no trabalho de campo (já realizado e a realizar). Este livro terá os seguintes capítulos: Os Amatucci como escultores e artistas de presépios; A obra de Carlo Amatucci como escultor real; Biografia de Emídio Carlos Amatucci e seu papel social; A obra de Emídio Carlos Amatucci como o mais talentoso ornatista do seu tempo; Os irmãos e genro de Emídio Carlos Amatucci e a sua produção artística; O processo de falência de Emídio Carlos Amatucci; A produção tumular da oficina de José Carlos de Sousa Amatucci; a transmissão da oficina para José Gomes & Castelo.
3. Um livro intitulado Saudade Perpétua, que reunirá os cem mais interessantes monumentos tumulares do Romantismo em Portugal. Este livro terá uma contextualização, seguida de um repertório com os monumentos seleccionados, incluindo análise iconográfica, iconológica e estética, elementos biográficos sobre os artistas e dados sobre a execução da obra (sempre que tal seja possível), assim como caracterização social dos encomendadores.
4. Um livro sobre a Capela do Rei Carlos Alberto, no Porto, e sobre a autora/encomendadora, Princesa Augusta de Montléart, com base em espólio parcialmente inédito e num conjunto documental existente em França e na Polónia. O cenotáfio do Rei Carlos Alberto é o maior e mais invulgar existente em Portugal. Pretende-se que o mesmo seja devidamente compreendido e valorizado.
5. Temas das comunicações e dos artigos a elaborar (temas provisórios):a) Os estuques na arquitectura tumular do Romantismo em Portugal; b) A original obra de arquitectura tumular de Francisco Maria Teixeira na região de Leiria; c) A capela tumular da família Quintela, em Santo António da Castanheira; d) Modelos para as artes do ferro aplicadas à tumulária romântica em Portugal;
description of the Research
project 1.1
Designation 19th Century
Cemetery Art in Portugal 1.2
Abstract This project starts with an
extensive inventory work in loco and culminates with important
publications about several features of 19th Century Cemetery Art in Portugal:
history, urban planning and landscaping, architecture, sculpture, applied arts,
artists, families, iconography and iconology. Cemeteries
will be interpreted as objects of study, as well as irreplaceable resources to
historical knowledge, following the path of the latest research on this subject. 1.3
State of the art The
subject of death, along with many aspects of funerals, cemeteries and religious
architecture is becoming increasingly important across Europe, in America and
other parts of the world. However,
the interdisciplinary study of contemporary cemeteries is still a rather recent
trend. Only in 1992 took place the first international congress about this
subject (Sevilha). The subsequent Wroclaw international meeting on cemetery art,
supported by the ICOMOS (1993), reinforced this emerging research trend. Since
then, the valorization of cemeteries as heritage and even as places of tourism
becomes continuously amplified. In addition, it has increased exponentially the
number of thesis about cemeteries or based on cemetery research. James Curl, Julie Rugg, F. J.
Rodriguez Barberán, Maria Elizia Borges, Régis
Bertrand, Carlos Saguar Quer or Franco Sborgi, are some of the most important
researchers on this subject, on which several dissertations are being prepared
at this moment, both in Europe and in America. The foundation of the ASCE
(Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe), in 2001, was another
important step towards the diffusion of cemetery research. This association,
awarded in 2007 with the prize "Europa Nostra", has grown so rapidly
that became almost a network of interdisciplinary research on cemeteries,
promoting publications and meetings, like the one held in 2007 in Valencia. We
should mention also the recently founded "Red Iberoamaricana de Cementerios
Patrimoniales" and the "Associação Brasileira de Estudos
Cemiteriais". In Portugal, cemeteries are also
being increasingly a major research subject. However, the research
already completed about Portuguese cemeteries in the 19th century is
not yet extensive. The historical and sociological approaches of Fernando
Catroga (1999) were important. Nevertheless, it was Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e
Sousa the first scholar researcher in Portugal to study some of the Portuguese
cemeteries with a multidisciplinary approach, emphasizing art (1994).
Unfortunately, he did not follow-up his work. The same happened with Paula
Vieira, who completed a master thesis about cemetery art in 1999. More
recently, António Delgado Tomás presented in Bilbao a doctoral thesis about death
aesthetics in Lisbon cemeteries. In 2007, Marcelina Almeida completed her
doctoral thesis with a comparative study between a cemetery in Brazil and
another one in Portugal. Henrique Sérgio Baptista made the same approach in the
last years (between Rio de Janeiro and Lisboa), also through a doctoral thesis. Still,
the most relevant scientific production about Portuguese cemeteries is by
Francisco Queiroz. In fact, his essay about cast iron and wrought iron
art in Porto cemeteries was finished in 1997. In Portugal, this was the first
master thesis about cemeteries, consisting on one volume that was fully an
inventory, and another volume with other approaches: historical (history of the
Lapa cemetery in Porto, its social meaning and significance), artistic (the
masons and their organization, the evolution of patterns) and technical (cast
iron techniques, foundries, etc.). Despite that, the
first complete essay about a romanticist cemetery ever made in this country was
the result of research carried out by Ana Margarida Portela and Fransico
Queiroz, about the Santo António do Carrascal cemetery, in Leiria (2002). This
work presents the cemetery from all possible approaches – artistic,
historical, managerial, sociological, urban, symbolic, genealogical, and
biographical, including even a chapter about conservation of tombs and practical
strategies of restoration. In the
doctoral thesis
of Francisco Queiroz, entitled "Porto
cemeteries and 19th century cemetery art in Portugal: the increment
of romanticist manifestations towards memory preservation (1835-1865)",
completed in 2002,
there is even a larger effort to achieve interdisciplinary approach to
cemeteries. More than 600 Portuguese cemeteries were visited.
Thousands of photographs were taken, epitaphs were recorded and information
about families, masons, architects or engineers who draw plans for cemeteries
and tombs was registered from more than 70 local archives. Intensive research on
the Portuguese daily press from 1834 to 1867 was also carried out, in order to
better sustain the thesis. This amount
of data was only scarcely used in the doctoral thesis, as well as in other
subsequent publications. 1.4
Objectives The main goal of the
project is to give a new major contribution to the understanding of Portuguese
History in the 19th century. Cemeteries will be approached both as a
mean and as an end. A mean, to understand urban culture, society, family history
and representation, urban planning strategies, etc. An end, since it has so many
interesting artistic objects, some of it the best artifacts and buildings dating
from the 19th century in Portugal. More specifically, the
purposes are: -
give a valuable use to all the data gathered in the last years and that could not be included in the abovementioned
doctoral thesis, as well as to capitalize the existing
know-how. -
To expand the interdisciplinary approach already
undertaken in that doctoral thesis to all the most important cemeteries in
Portugal, in order to make syntheses possible. -
To complete an effective national research about
cemeteries, within an international framework. -
To finally surpass the limited features of all the
publications about this subject already existing in Portugal and to publish
books that may achieve visibility and usefulness even on an international level. -
To establish definitive and sustainable criteria for
managing cemetery heritage in Portugal. -
To obtain an effective national cemetery art and
history database, on which other publications may be founded, far beyond the
period of this project. -
To promote the generalized use of cemetery research as
a tool for historiography. 1.5
Research program 1.5.1
Inventory work in loco During
the first 4 years of the project, it will be completed the inventory in loco
in those areas of the country not yet visited, hoping to reach almost 350
cemeteries, adding to the c. 600 already recorded. Some
cemeteries in the border of Spain will also be visited, in order to establish
common features and bi-directional influences. It
is estimated to be gathered more than 35.000 photos, adding to the c. 40.000
photos about Portuguese cemeteries already taken. When
recording the cemeteries, there will be a particular attention to all this
features: ·
Patterns to family/individual tombs (chapels, obelisks,
mausoleums, vaults, headstones), ranging all eclectic styles - Neoclassicism,
Gothic, Romanesque, Moorish, etc., up until the Art Noveau movement; ·
Cemetery evolution, in terms of history, landscaping
and tomb design; ·
of cemetery landscaping and its regional variants, as well as external
influences (particularly in border cemeteries and in cosmopolitan ones); ·
and artistic emulation through tombs, with the most interesting cases discussed
and even with some genealogical data compiled; ·
evolution in tomb design and its relation with social background, gender, age,
profession, free-masonry, etc. (symbols used in tombs); ·
of cemeteries in relation with each town’s urban strategies –
location of cemeteries in old convents, economic problems, social resistance to
change, etc.; ·
activity of masons specialized in tomb design, as well as architects and
sculptors (its style, their names, their social and professional relations,
conflicts, etc.). The
inventory work will be complemented with selected research in local or national
archives and libraries, whenever it will be found interesting features in the
newly recorded cemeteries.
Publishing results Based on the inventory work, this research project includes the preparation of 4 books, 2 oral communications and 2 papers. Always maintaining an interdisciplinary approach, the publications will focus on some of the features that are most interesting in Portuguese cemetery art. The choice of these features was made in order to obtain a balance between analyses and syntheses, between details and large aspects. The purpose is to publish, not only some synthesis that may be read by anyone (two of the books), but also some deeper analysis for a more confined scientific and academic community (the other two books): -
One of the books, probably
the most important result of this project and the one who may have more
international visibility, is an illustrated dictionary of all kinds of
symbols in 19th century Portuguese cemetery art. The goal of this
publication is to give everyone the possibility to decode the vast array of
symbols (and conjugation of symbols) that exist in Portuguese cemeteries, not
only the most cosmopolitan, but also the local ones. This dictionary will have
an introduction to death iconography and iconology since the late baroque period
up to the Art Noveau movement. The dictionary will have also a repertoire with
many photos and explanations, gathered in sub-themes: flowers, animals,
allegoric figures, professional symbols, heraldry, free-masonry, symbols from
the Greek and Roman art, symbols who can only be deciphered in combination, etc. -
Another important synthesis,
and a book that may also have international visibility, is an album about the
top 100 mausoleums in Portuguese cemeteries. Obviously, this selection can
only be completed after the intensive record of the most important Portuguese
cemeteries, and that is why this book will be the last to be prepared within the
project. A short introduction to the subject will be necessary, followed by the
catalog of the selected mausoleums, which will be fully explained: the families,
the personalities, the artists, the symbols, the influences and other historical
data. - Another book will consist on a deeper analysis about the several generations of the Amatucci family of sculptors and masons (1803-1884), based on a large set of unpublished drawings, as well as documents from archives, data from the press of that time and the inventory of their works in cemeteries. -
Finally, the other book that
will consist on a deeper analysis will be about the impressive and bizarre
cenotaph dedicated to the King Carlo Alberto, in Porto. Since this book will
also be a biography of the fascinating woman that
founded and draw the cenotaph, it will be based on the press of that period
(c. 1855-1860), and on unpublished documents existing in Porto archives, in the
BNF (Paris) and in the Museum Dom Grecki (Poland). -
Finally, the 4 oral
communications/papers, which will have the following titles: a)
art of stucco in Portuguese cemeteries (XIX century); b)
original work of the architect Francisco Maria Teixeira in the cemeteries of
Leiria district; c)
exquisite and impressive vault chapel of the Quintela family in Santo António
da Castanheira; d)
Patterns of iron art appllied
to tomb design in Portugal;
algumas Referências bibliográficas / References-
BERRESFORD, Sandra et al. - Italian memorial sculpture, 1820-1940.
A legacy of love. London, Frances Lincoln Publishers, 2004. -
Cementerios de Andalucía. Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Textos de Javier Rodriguez Barberán. S.l., Junta de Andalucía -
Consejeria de Obras Públicas y Transportes, 1993. -
COLVIN, Howard – Architecture and
the after-life. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1991. -
CURL, James Stevens - A celebration of
death. An introduction to some of the
buildings, monuments and settings of funerary architecture in the western
European tradition (1980). London, B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1993. -
CURL, James Stevens et al. – Kensal Green cemetery: the origins
and development of the General Cemetery of All Souls, Kensal Green, London,
1824-2001. Chichester, Phillimore, 2001. -
ETLIN, Richard A. – The Architecture
of Death. The transformation of the cemetery in eighteenth-century Paris.
M.I.T. Press, England, 1984/87. -
GOODY, Jack / POPPI, Cesare – Flowers and bones: approaches to the dead
in anglo-american and Italian cemeteries. In "Journal of Contemporary
Studies of Society and History", n.º 38, 1, p. 146-175. -
Highgate Cemetery. Victorian Valhalla.
Photographed by John Gay. Introduced by Felix Barker. London, John Murray, 1984. -
LE NORMAND-ROMAIN, Antoinette - Mémoire de marbre: La Sculpture funéraire en
France, 1804-1914. Paris,
Mairie de Paris (Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris), 1995. -
McDowell, P. / MEYER, R. – The
revival styles in American Memorial Art. Edit by "The Association for
Gravestone Studies". -
MELLER, Hugh - London Cemeteries. An
Illustrated Guide and Gazetteer (1981). Godstone – Surrey, Gregg
International, 19852. -
DANSEL, Michel
- Au Père-Lachaise: Son histoire, ses secrets, ses promenades.
Paris, Fayard. -
ZERNER, O. / JUSKIEWICZ, I. – Cemetery art. Wroclaw, ICOMOS, 1995. -
Portela, Ana Margarida /
QUEIROZ, José Francisco Ferreira - O
Cemitério de Santo António do Carrascal: Arte, História e Sociedade de Leiria
no Século XIX. Estudo realizado entre 1998 e 2000, patrocinado pela Câmara
Municipal de Leiria (versão policopiada com 3 volumes e 620 ilustrações). -
RAGON, Michel –
L'espace de la mort. Essai sur l'architecture, la décoration et
l'urbanisme funéraire. Paris, Albin Michel, 1981. -
"Una arquitectura para la muerte". Actas del I Encontro Internacional
sobre los Cementerios Contemporáneos. Sevilha, Dirección General de
Arquitectura y Vivienda, 1991. -
URBAIN, Jean-Didier – L'archipel des
morts. Le sentiment de la mort et lés dérives de la mémoire dans les cimetères
d'Occident (1989). Paris, Payot & Rivages, 19982.